1 steak, 3 sauces

By TASTE, 5 July 2016

There’s a fine art to a great steak dinner. Sear it just right, serve a special (dead-easy) sauce on the side and date night should end well.

The perfectly cooked steak

Rub 2 x 250 g steaks with 2 T olive oil and season with sea salt. Place on a smoking hot grill or pan and sprinkle with rosemary.

Cook for 1 minute on each side for rare, 2 minutes for medium rare, 3 minutes for medium 4 minutes for medium-well, and 5 minutes for well done.

Remove from the pan, rest and squeeze over a little lemon juice. Serves 2.

Quick café de Paris butter

Fold 1 t chopped Italian parsley, 1 clove chopped garlic, 1 T chopped capers, 3 anchovy fillets, 2 t Dijon mustard into 100 g softened butter and chill until required.

Green peppercorn sauce

Melt 20 g butter, then add ½ chopped red onion and 2 cloves chopped garlic and sauté for 5 minutes until soft. Add 4 T green peppercorns and 1 cup cream, then simmer for 15 minutes until slightly thickened. Season to taste.

Horseradish crème fraÎche

Combine 1 T Woolworths horseradish sauce with ½ cup crème fraîche, adding more to taste if needed. Add 1 t white wine vinegar and 1 t finely chopped dill and season to taste.

Spicy salsa verde

Mix 2 t chopped coriander, 1 t chopped mint, 4 chopped spring onions, ½ clove chopped garlic, 1 T capers, 1 chopped chilli and 4 sliced baby exotic tomatoes with ¼ cup olive oil and the juice of ½ lemon. Season to taste.

Also try: this cafe au lait sauce.

Discover more steak recipes here.
How do you like your steak? Share your wisdom here.

[caption id="attachment_17585" align="aligncenter" width="620"]Steak-sauce Clockwise from left: green peppercorn sauce, spicy salsa verde, horseradish crème fraîche.[/caption]


Article by TASTE

The TASTE team is a happy bunch of keen cooks and writers, always on the look out for the next food trend or the next piece of cake.
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