10 baking recipes to keep the kids entertained

By TASTE, 23 March 2020

Group account director Kelly Cloete shares how she’s keeping the kids entertained (and herself sane) with a round-up of baking recipes they can handle nearly entirely by themselves.

Group Account Director Kelly, who is mom to Gus, 8 and Sophie, 9, is finding out that in order to stop quarantine from turning into 'quaran-scream' while working from home, she’ll have to let the kids loose in the kitchen.

‘My kids have always loved baking but to be honest, I am bit too much of a control freak to really let them take the lead and have always relegated them to pretty basic tasks. When my 8-year old took to making his morning smoothie himself last week, stick blender and all, I realized I have to let go a bit. By this age, they can pretty much do everything in a basic recipe, so I’ve pulled together 10 recipes I know they will be able to handle (supervision when it comes to getting things in and out of the oven, of course). Bonus – they are practicing maths skills by weighing and measuring ingredients and testing their ability to follow instructions (hopefully the recipes have better luck than I do in that department!). Even younger kids (from 3) can get involved with rolling out dough and cutting shapes.’

Traditional French crêpes with lemon and cinnamon sugar

Pancakes are a crowd-pleaser, and by 9, kids are pretty adept at using a pan.
Get the recipe here.

30-day bran muffins

With this genius 30-day muffin recipe, they can make the mixture once, then have fresh muffins on call for snacks for the next month.
Get the recipe here.

Pull-apart pizza roll

Bread-making is a great way for kids to get their hands dirty. And a great way to get them to make lunch for everyone!

Get the recipe here.

Classic choc chip cookies

When all else fails, chocolate chip cookies for the win!
Get the recipe here.

Soetkoekie snowflakes

Keep them busy for at least an hour by making, rolling, cutting and baking these South African favourites.
Get the recipe here.

Buttermilk apple muffin squares

An easy traybake, which will make a welcome WFH afternoon snack for you too.
Get the recipe here.

Mini gingerbread houses

A fun activity for littlies – with just 3 ingredients, they can build cookie houses.
Get the recipe here.

Gran’s classic custard cookies

An easy 4-ingredient recipe to fill up the cookie jar.
Get the recipe here.

Strawberry jam puff tartlets

Just two ingredients from the freezer and pantry to make this tea-time treat!
Get the recipe here.

Cake in a cup

When a big cake feels like too much hard work!










Get the recipe here.



Article by TASTE

The TASTE team is a happy bunch of keen cooks and writers, always on the look out for the next food trend or the next piece of cake.
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