2 easy ClemenGold® treats that are perfect for the lazy cook

By TASTE, 13 August 2023

We bet you’ve spotted boxes and bags of ClemenGold® mandarins in the fruit aisle at Woolies. It’s citrus season and we’re getting creative with ways to add ClemenGold® mandarins to all our meals. Wondering what we’ve been cooking up? An upside down ClemenGold® blender cake and the EASIEST ClemenGold® sorbet are the menu this season.

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ClemenGold® mandarins are exclusive to Woolworths. This palm-sized citrus is handpicked by expert growers at its peak to ensure optimal quality. Add a bag or box to your trolley to make two easy desserts that highlight the best of this fruit. If you're looking for easy desserts that aren't the usual malva or saucy pudding, this upside-down ClemenGold® blender cake and ClemenGold® sorbet will definitely pique your interest. Here's how to make them:

1. Upside-down ClemenGold® blender cake

This easy cake hack has taken FoodTok by storm! Say goodbye to messy counters and washing up countless bowls. This cake batter is made in the blender, poured into a cake tin and baked. ClemenGold® mandarins are perfect to use in this recipe because they're virtually seedless so you're guaranteed there won't be any bitter flavour from the seeds. Make it pretty with slices of ClemenGold® mandarins at the bottom of the cake tin and be amazed at the beautiful ClemenGold® mandarin mosaic when you unmould your easy bake. Get the recipe for Upside-down ClemenGold® blender cake here

2. ClemenGold® sorbet

12 mandarins, a freezer, some patience and a good-quality blender are all you need to make this sorbet. You can serve it at your next dinner party as a palate cleanser, cool down on a warm day and even get the kids involved by asking them to pour the mixture into moulds to make ice lollies. Get the recipe for ClemenGold® sorbet here.

ClemenGold® mandarins are virtually seedless, juicy and easy to peel, with an unmistakable sweet flavour. They're perfect for a quick snack on the go or a sweet addition to any recipe. Find them exclusively in Woolworths stores.

Shop at Woolworths.


Article by TASTE

The TASTE team is a happy bunch of keen cooks and writers, always on the look out for the next food trend or the next piece of cake.
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