3 delicious ways to stay warm this winter

By Today With Woolies, 22 April 2017

Winter is coming and warm puddings are the best thing about it.


Chocolate lava cake with peanut butter centre

The magic ingredient your chocolate lava puddings have been missing all your life? Standing right there in your pantry. Trust us. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Melt 100 g roughly chopped dark chocolate and 100 g cubed butter in a double-boiler, stirring, until smooth. In a separate bowl, beat 2 free-range eggs, 2 free-range egg yolks and 100 g sugar until light and fluffy. Fold in 100 g cake flour, then add the chocolate mixture and mix. Chill for 15 minutes. Half-fill 4 greased ramekins with the mixture, then place 1 T peanut butter in the centre of each ramekin. Top with the remaining chocolate mixture. Bake for 8 minutes, then turn out onto serving dishes. Sprinkle with smoked salt before serving. The mixture can also be made in advance and chilled, but would then require an extra 3 minutes baking time.

Easy rice pudding

This ridiculously easy pudding is ready in 25 minutes, start to finish, and so comforting, you’ll want to enjoy a bowl snuggled up under your fluffiest blanket. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Cook 1 cup white rice with 1 litre milk, ½ can evaporated milk and 2 T sugar over a medium heat until the rice is cooked through. Spoon into an ovenproof bowl and bake for 10 minutes, or until set. Dust with ground cinnamon and serve hot with cream.

Croissant bread-and-butter pudding with berries

The tartness of the berries takes the edge off this rich, saucy pud. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Butter one side each of 4 halved croissants, then spread with raspberry or strawberry jam. Arrange in a greased baking dish. Whisk together 4 extra-large free-range eggs, 1 t vanilla extract, 2 ½ cups milk and 1 t lemon zest, then pour the mixture over the croissant slices. Top with generous handfuls of frozen mixed berries (you’ll need about 1 – 2 cups). Bake for 30 minutes, then serve warm – with custard or cream, if you’re feeling extra indulgent.

Need some easy winter puds in reserve for when the craving strikes? Woolies has your back with its range of warming winter puddings. Like ready-to-heat malva pudding, sago and traditional bread and butter pudding. Kind of like a hug from inside. And who doesn’t want that?

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