3 new flavours to try with lamb

By Today With Woolies, 27 October 2016

Move over lemon and rosemary. There’s more than one way to dress that lamb cutlet.


Barbeque spiced

Mix 2 T readymade barbeque rub and 2 T olive oil. Smear onto 4 lamb rib chops, thread onto a skewer, then place in a baking tray fat-side up and grill until the fat is browned and crisp. Slide the chops off the skewer, then quickly grill on both sides until rare. Serve with sweet potato mash.

Harissa marinated

Rub six free-range lamb chops with 3 T olive oil, 3 sprigs fresh rosemary and 2 T harissa paste. Set aside to marinate for 15 minutes, then braai over medium coals for 10 to 15 minutes, turning often. Serve with braaied tomato sosaties.

Honey, mustard and balsamic glazed

Moisten 11–12 thin-cut lamb rib chops with olive oil and season. Sear in batches in a pan on both sides until browned but still rare. Brush the cooked chops with a glaze made by mixing 2 T balsamic vinegar, 1 t honey and 2 t wholegrain mustard. Serve with mashed potatoes.

For a great deal on succulent lamb chops, visit Woolworths here.

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