3 ways with baked potatoes

By TASTE, 3 October 2017

There’s no better time to buddy up to spuds.

Roasted whole in the oven (or in a bed of coals) until soft and fluffy, slathered in butter and topped with your favourite ingredients, it’s the braai side you’ll want all to yourself


The ultimate baked potato


Preheat the oven to 180°C. Coat 4 large potatoes in 2 T extra virgin olive oil, prick all over with a fork, place on a tray and rub with Woolworths’ chipotle seasoning.

Bake for 45 minutes, or until soft. Once cooked, score the tops, squeeze open and season with salt.

Add a spoonful of chipotle butter and serve immediately.

To make the chipotle butter, combine 200 g softened butter, 4 T roughly chopped coriander, the zest and juice of 1 lime and 3 T chipotle sauce.


Baked potato with mustard, anchovy and watercress butter


Preheat the oven to 200°C. Prick 8 baking potatoes using a fork, then rub with olive oil and season with salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste.

Bake for 1 hour, or until the skins are crisp and the flesh soft.

Meanwhile, combine 250 g softened butter, 3 T wholegrain mustard, 5 roughly chopped anchovies and a handful chopped watercress. Season to taste. Serve the baked potatoes with spoonfuls of the flavoured butter.

Baked potato in shrimp butter

Preheat the oven to 180°C. Place 8 halved Mediterranean potatoes in a baking pan. Drizzle with olive oil and roast for 25 minutes, or until soft and golden brown.

Toss the potatoes with 200 g cooked, chopped shrimps or prawns, 1 cup crème fraîche, the juice and zest of 1 lime and 20 g chopped fresh coriander. Season to taste and serve immediately.

Cook’s note: Replace the halved potatoes with baby potatoes or sweet potatoes, if you like.

Browse more potato recipes here.


Article by TASTE

The TASTE team is a happy bunch of keen cooks and writers, always on the look out for the next food trend or the next piece of cake.
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