4 ways with cold-pressed juices

By Today With Woolies, 4 October 2016

Cold-pressed juices are trendy right now. But did you know that they’re good for more just than sipping straight-up? Try them like this.


Jazzed-up couscous


Put a spin on the starchy staple by soaking it in one part stock and one part cold-pressed orange, turmeric and cayenne pepper juice. Toss with spicy chicken strips, corn, carrots and fresh coriander.

Next-level roast carrots

Poach rainbow carrots in one part stock and one part cold-pressed carrot, apple, orange and ginger juice, then roast with garlic butter, honey and thyme until tender.

Power-up cocktails

For those times when you need a vitamin C and mood boost, add a splash of gin to chilled cold-pressed apple, cucumber, spinach and celery juice. Serve in tumblers over crushed ice and garnish with cucumber ribbons.

Double-delicious dressings

Shake up your salad-dressing routine with new combos such as cold-pressed beetroot, apple, orange and cucumber juice with red-wine vinegar and olive oil; or apple, ginger and lemon juice with apple cider vinegar and grapeseed oil.

Learn more about Woolies cold-pressed fruit and vegetable juices here.

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