5 recipes that will change the way you look at raw food

By Ashraf Booley, 29 October 2015

Back in the Stone Age, it was completely normal to eat most food raw. But these days most people find uncooked foods unpalatable. What’s all the fuss about?

Raw foodism is essentially a dietary practice in which people eat only uncooked (or foods cooked at low temperatures) and unprocessed foods, which could be anything from raw vegetables to raw meat and fish. It’s the return to eating food in its natural state, if you like.

[caption id="attachment_13344" align="alignright" width="240"]5 recipes that will change the way you look at raw food SOMETHING FISHY: salmon ceviche[/caption]

The philosophy goes that cooking foods above a certain temperature can result in the destruction of enzymes that help us to digest our food. Raw foods are also believed to have a higher nutrient content, which is said to be lost in the cooking process. Interestingly, raw foodists also claim that raw foods contain gut flora, complex microorganisms in our digestive tract that play a role in metabolism, among other things. I could wax lyrical about the supposed goodness of raw foods, but as with any diet, it has its pitfalls.

Although incorporating raw foods into your diet has clear benefits, scientifically backed reports don’t always agree. Some scientists say it’s a misconception that cooking food destroys nutrients, claiming instead that it unlocks the nutrients that would otherwise be unavailable. So while eating raw has its nutritional benefits, the general consensus, as with any diet or indulgence, is that moderation is key.

If you’ve ever contemplated going raw, these five delicious recipes are a good place to start.

Raw artichoke slaw with wafu dressing

It’s hard to resist a good, crunchy slaw. This version with artichoke is a must-try, especially if you love soya sauce.
View the recipe here

Chilled raw carrot, orange and ginger soup

Yes, summer is coming – but you can still slurp up soups. This chilled carrot, orange and ginger soup is refreshing and bursting with flavour.
View the recipe here

Salmon ceviche

[caption id="attachment_13352" align="alignright" width="240"]Marinated-raw-baby-marrow-ricotta-and-olive-salad-400x400 Marinated raw baby marrow, ricotta and olive salad[/caption]

Something fishy shouldn’t go amiss either. You can’t go wrong with salmon ceviche.
View the recipe here

Marinated raw baby marrow, ricotta and olive salad

If you love baby marrow, this salad will hit the spot.

View the recipe here

Raw butternut and apple salad with verlaque gooseberry dressing

There’s a whole lot of crunch going on here: raw butternut and apples, dressed in a flavourful verlaque gooseberry dressing.
View the recipe here


Ashraf Booley

Article by Ashraf Booley

Woolworths TASTE’s digital content producer loves nothing more than trying out inventive recipes and using close friends and family as his guinea pigs. When he’s not crafting content or posting images to TASTE’s Instagram account, he sits in a quiet corner sipping on pretentious tea and penning poetry.
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