5 truly satisfying salads to make this week

By Melissa Scheepers, 4 December 2017

Who says salads are only for lunch? If you’re looking for something light but totally gratifying for supper this week, look no further. We’ve selected five of our most flavour-filled and satisfying salad recipes to help quell your hunger pangs.

Up your salad game with one these easy recipes featuring the likes of Mexican-inspired sausage and corn, delectable chicken with Brussels sprouts and smashed potatoes to name just a few...
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Prefer something a little fruity? Try one of these 6 fruity salad recipes here.

Looking for a new salad dressing recipe? Find 8 ways to revamp your salad here.

Add a little crunch and a little more flavour to your salads with our favourite picks from Woolies.

Discover more satisfying salad recipes here.

Melissa Scheepers

Article by Melissa Scheepers

Woolworths TASTE’s online content producer has faced constant temptation since joining the team last year. When she’s not thinking about her next meal (it’s usually a variation of a cheese toastie), she’s researching the best cooking methods for her next article.
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