7 seasonal super foods to keep you focused

By Melissa Wentzel, 15 March 2018

Here’s food for thought: 7 seasonal superfoods (plus recipes!) that contain properties to boost your mood, improve your memory, and just generally sharpen your brain.

We can easily be persuaded to eat seasonally. The produce is fresh and cheap. Done. But refine the list of what’s in season this autumn to fruit and veg that boost brain power, and there’s just no excuse not to include these super foods in your diet.

The brain boosters

There are five foods that can be considered brain boosters.

1. Complex or slow-release carbohydrates balance glucose levels and fuel the brain;
2. Essential fats keep the mind well-oiled;
3. Phospholipids boost memory;
4. Amino acids support neurotransmitters (mind messengers); and
5. Intelligent nutrients (vitamins and minerals) fine-tune your mind and keep your brain and nervous system running smoothly.


The creamy treat you either love or hate is rich in antioxidants vitamin E and C and is associated with reducing the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

Brain boosters: Essential fat Omega-3; amino acids, intelligent nutrients vitamins B1, B3, B5, B6, vitamin C, and magnesium.

Discover more avocado recipes here.


Lemons are high in potassium and magnesium, which are linked to enhanced brain and nervous system function. Drinking lemon water in the morning is said to keep your mind alert and focused, and the aroma of lemon oil reduces stress and improves mood.

Brain boosters: Amino acids, intelligent nutrients magnesium, vitamin C, vitamin B6.

Try this braaied lemonade recipe here.


Quinoa beetroot bowl recipe

Beetroot is packed with naturally occurring nitrates, which scientists report help improve blood flow to the brain, which enhances mental performance.

Brain boosters: Amino acids, intelligent nutrients vitamin C, folate, and manganese.

Try the quinoa beetroot bowl recipe here.

Kale OR spinach

Chicken livers with carrot mash and crispy kale recipes

Both of these leafy greens pack a real nutrient punch, but there are some differences. Kale, although more bitter in flavour, retains its shape better when cooked and is richer in calcium.

Spinach is higher in folate (an "intelligent" B vitamin) and is six times richer in magnesium than kale. 

Brain boosters: Complex carbohydrates, amino acids, intelligent nutrients vitamin C, folic acid and magnesium.

Try the chicken livers with carrot mash and crispy kale recipe here.


Cabbage contains a high concentration of iodine that supports the nervous system, improves brain function, and is used to prevent and treat Alzheimer’s and other neurological disorders.

Brain boosters: Complex carbohydrates, amino acids, intelligent nutrients folate, vitamins B1, B2, B6, manganese, and magnesium.

Try the cabbage leaf wraps with crispy pork recipe here.


Gooseberries, like all berries, are full of antioxidants that protect the cells against damage and oxidative stress and play a major role in improving cognitive functions, like memory.

Brain boosters: Amino acids, intelligent nutrients vitamin C, which is not lost during the cooking process, essential oil Omega-3, vitamins B1, B5, and B6, folates, manganese and magnesium.

Try the champagne jelly with gooseberries recipe here.


Tear-and-share fig-and-beetroot tartlets recipe

Packed with B vitamins and magnesium, figs support overall hormonal function in the brain and can reduce stress.

Brain boosters: Amino acids, essential oil Omega-6, intelligent nutrients magnesium, zinc, manganese, folate, and vitamin B6

Try the tear-and-share fig and beetroot tartlets recipe here.

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Melissa Wentzel

Article by Melissa Wentzel

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