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  • 1 kg sweet potatoes
  • 1 medium onion
  • 2 free-range eggs, beaten
  • 3 T potato starch
  • sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
  • canola oil, for frying
  • za’atar, for sprinkling



1. Wash and peel the potatoes and onion, then grate coarsely. Wrap in muslin cloth or a clean tea towel and squeeze out the excess moisture over a bowl.

2. Keep the liquid in the bowl, allowing a few minutes for the starch to settle to the bottom. Carefully pour off the liquid but keep the potato starch.

3. Mix the potatoes and onion with the eggs, potato starch and seasoning. Drop spoonfuls – 2 T for each latke – into the hot oil, spreading and flattening with a fork. If necessary, you could add a little cornflour to the mixture to make sure they hold together. Shallow-fry over a medium heat until golden – about 3 minutes a side. Drain on kitchen paper.

Find more potato recipes here.

Photographs: Toby Murphy
Production: Brita Du Plessis
Food assistant: Sophia-Maria Eygelaar

Phillippa Cheifitz

Recipe by: Phillippa Cheifitz

Regular TASTE contributor Phillippa is a well-known South African author and food writer, and has won many awards, both for her magazine features and her cookbooks.

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