Starters & Light meals

Grilled salmon wrapped in cucumber salad

15 minutes
5 minutes
Wine/Spirit Pairing
Mulderbosch Rosé 2010

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  • 3 ready-cut salmon portions
  • Maldon salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • olive oil, for brushing
  • 2 English cucumbers
  • 120 g watercress
  • Pickled ginger, to taste
  • 1 grapefruit
  • Sesame seeds, toasted, for coating



Season the salmon portions with Maldon salt and black pepper, then brush them lightly with olive oil. In a pan over a high heat, sear the fish for 2 to 3 minutes, then transfer to a chopping board to rest.
Using a potato peeler, shave the cucumber lengthways to create long ribbons. On a sheet of clingfilm, layer the cucumber so that the ribbons overlap slightly, then place a large handful of watercress in the middle.
Break the salmon into pieces and scatter over the watercress before adding slivers of pickled ginger, to taste. Fold the cucumber ribbons over the filling and roll. Cut into smaller pieces and serve with grapefruit wedges dipped in toasted sesame seeds.

Jacques Erasmus

Recipe by: Jacques Erasmus

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