An eat-in deal to get you through Wednesday

By Today With Woolies, 15 February 2017

Here’s what to eat after last night’s romantic splurge.


If you blew the budget on last night’s romantic dinner but still want to keep it classy (save the beans-on-toast creations for the week before pay day), you’re in luck. How does easy-to-cook chicken fillets with crunchy summer salad (or buttery-cinnamony sweet potaotes) and chocolate mousse sound? Fancy a perfectly cooked piece of sirloin (thick cut and matured for extra juiciness)? And maybe fruit salad for dessert rather? With Woolies’ Eat In for 2 for under R200 deal, you have options. Oh, and you get to choose a starter too – that’s a three-course meal for under R200. Just add a bottle of your favourite wine and a movie and it’s Valentine’s Day all over again.

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Today With Woolies

Article by Today With Woolies

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