Back to the basics: Crispy fried eggs

By TASTE, 31 October 2016

We can’t get enough of eggs (can you tell?) and in honour of World Egg Day, we’re showing you how to take this perfect ingredient from basic to brilliant in a few simple techniques.


  • Liberally coat the base of a nonstick pan with good-quality olive oil. Place over a medium to high heat.
  • Crack 2 free-range eggs into the pan.
  • Make sure the oil doesn’t get too hot – adjust the heat accordingly. Spoon the hot oil over the egg whites, or place a loose-fitting lid over the pan for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Cook more eggs in the same way if required.


  • Cook the eggs as above. Add 1⁄2 t smoked paprika, 1 clove sliced garlic and 1⁄2 sliced fresh chilli to the pan in last 30 seconds of cooking time.
  • You can do the same using other fats such as coconut oil, flavoured butter and bacon fat, or add other spices such as turmeric.
  • SERVE WITH: Roast tomatoes and garlic toast. Halve vine tomatoes and cut the top off a head of garlic. Arrange on a baking tray, drizzle over 3 T olive oil and season. Roast at 200°C for 15 minutes. Squeeze the garlic onto ciabatta toast and spread.

Discover more brilliant egg recipes here.


Article by TASTE

The TASTE team is a happy bunch of keen cooks and writers, always on the look out for the next food trend or the next piece of cake.
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