The Boxing Day brunch of your dreams

By Today With Woolies, 26 December 2016

If you’re staring at a fridge full of leftover veg from yesterday’s epic feast, we have a few tasty solutions.


Take those roast potatoes to the next level.

Potato rostis topped with salad greens, salmon and crème fraîche


Beat one free-range egg and add diced leftover roast potatoes, and chop 2 sprigs of rosemary. Shape into small cakes. Fry in 2 T olive oil and 3 T of butter in a pan. Cook for 3 - 4 minutes until golden and drain on kitchen paper. Serve with 300 g smoked salmon, crème fraîche and salad leaves.

Still got heaps of roast veg?



Roll out a pack of puff pastry. Beat 5 free-range eggs, add 1 cup milk, 1 cup cream, 10 g chopped chives and 200 g grated mature Cheddar. Pour this mixture into pastry tray and bake for 15-20 minutes, or until set and golden.

Take leftover Turkey, Duck, Gammon or Chicken and shred and add to this green salad.

Green salad

Green salad

Blanch 80 g peas, and 80 g sugar snap peas. Toast 50 g chopped almonds. Halve, peel and de-stone 2 ripe avocados and slice 2 red chillies. Once this is done, take 40 g rocket leaves and mix. Top with 2 T olive oil, the juice of 1⁄2 a lemon, 1 t of Dijon mustard, season to taste.

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