Best way to chop onions without crying

Surely this is an age-old question, but chopping onions always seems to make me teary-eyed. How do I prevent this? Some suggest cutting onions under water or freezing them for a few minutes before chopping. Are there any easier or more effective methods?


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    Sinazo Adam
    27 October 2015

    Chop onions over steam and directly into pot. Also to minimize the smell on the hands, place hands over steam as if you’re trying to warm them up. Works for me!

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    Helen Duffett
    27 October 2015

    I put a glug of white vinegar on a tissue/roller towel, an d wipe the board with that before chopping onions. Works every time!

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    Jolene Kershoff
    27 October 2015

    Don’t cut off the back end of the onion (root end) This does not work 100% of the time though, but I found that 7/10 times it works. I guess sometimes the onion is just too feisty haha. By the way, this tip came from Gordon Ramsey…

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    Robert Jones
    27 October 2015

    Place the onion in your refrigerator for an hour or more before cutting it. The cold stops the juice from emitting vapour which causes your eyes to water.

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    Elaine Catelle
    27 October 2015

    I watched a program on the cooking channel, they say, place a teaspoon between your teeth, I must be honest, I have not tried it….

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    Heather Dyers
    4 August 2015

    Always have a mouthful of any of your favourite drinks, alcohol or any fizzy, tingles in the mouth distracts you and onion odours are easily camouflaged, this works!