I’ve decided to start each day with a healthy juice or smoothie but I’m already bored with my banana & berry combination. Please can you guys share some recipes or ideas! Thanks you!


  • default
    7 September 2016

    1 cup milk of your choice, frozen medium banana., teaspoon almond butter, tablespoon cacao powder, 1 scoop chocolate protein powder

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    6 September 2016

    Broccoli apple mint ginger

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    Laurenne James
    6 July 2016

    Spinach, carrot, orange and ginger!

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    Susanne Smith
    25 January 2016

    Blueberry & Banana Smoothie.
    1/2 Banana chopped
    1/3 cup Soya Protein (available at Health Shops)
    1/2 Tbsp Organic Linseed Oil (available at Health Shops)
    1/2 Tbsp Honey
    1 tsp Psyllium Seed Husks
    200 ml Purified Water
    1/2 cup Frozen Blueberries (available at Woolworths) :-)
    Blitz all together and drink!

  • Billie Robinson
    19 January 2016

    I love strawberry smoothies or if none available any type of berries for me!

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    Theresa Naicker
    19 January 2016

    Mango Coconut Milk and Chai Seeds, Place 8 pieces mango (about ¾ cup) and ½ cup coconut milk into a blender. Blend until smooth. Then add 1 tablespoon chia seeds and pulse just a few times to combine. absolutely delicious
    U can use the same method to but change the fruit, i used Cherries , those delicious ones from woolies, absolutely good:-)