Cool and creamy: 5 meals featuring yoghurt to make this week

By Melissa Scheepers, 30 October 2017

Summertime meals have never looked as dreamy. Whether you prefer light, plain yoghurt or the indulgent double-cream variety, using yoghurt in everyday dishes is a great way to add a little cool creaminess to weeknight meals.

Yoghurt is great in sauces, dressings and pasta. Plus, it makes for light and tangy mash. Try it in sweet potato, potato or cauliflower mash.

Keen on trying yoghurt in your next dessert? Find 8 delicate desserts to make with yoghurt here.

When cooking with yoghurt, keep these tips in mind:

  • Don’t heat yoghurt quickly. The concentrated milk proteins will separate from the whey. Rather temper the yoghurt by mixing in small amounts of hot liquid before adding it to the hot dish – and only do this right at the end.
  • Do use an aluminium dish or pan as the acidity of the yoghurt may react with metal.

Now keep cool and carry on...

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Discover more recipes featuring yoghurt here.

Melissa Scheepers

Article by Melissa Scheepers

Woolworths TASTE’s online content producer has faced constant temptation since joining the team last year. When she’s not thinking about her next meal (it’s usually a variation of a cheese toastie), she’s researching the best cooking methods for her next article.
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