Creamy yoghurt + iconic fruit = perfect match

By TASTE, 3 July 2020

Keep your eyes peeled for the dreamy new limited-edition seasonal yoghurts and smoothies from Woolies – trust us, you won’t want to miss them.


Looking for something new? Woolies’ new limited-edition seasonal yoghurts and smoothies featuring the iconic fruit it’s become known for – locally cultivated ClemenGold® mandarins, Pink Lady® apples and Packham pears – will hit the spot. It's the perfect in-between snack or treat.

Choose between full-cream yoghurt in Pink Lady® apple or Packham pear flavours, low-fat layered yoghurt with Pink Lady® apples or Packham pears, or a zesty ClemenGold® smoothie. Don’t miss out!

Shop the delicious range of limited-edition yoghurts at Woolworths.


Article by TASTE

The TASTE team is a happy bunch of keen cooks and writers, always on the look out for the next food trend or the next piece of cake.
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