5 dinner ideas for one

By Hannah Lewry, 17 August 2015

Dining solo? Forget the baked beans on toast and try Hannah Lewry’s ideas for easy and delicious meals for one.

Cooking solo is great, but if you're not one for eating the same leftovers for four days on the trot, these recipes are for you.

Why even bother cooking dinner for one?

I always hear my friends saying this, but it’s so easy to whip up a meal that’s tasty and quick. The best part is that lunch for the next day is taken care of! Plus, you know what’s in your food and on your plate, keeping you healthy and happy!

Tips and hints

1. Cook starch all in one go
If you’re cooking starch such as baked sweet potatoes, cook three small ones at the same time. Mix up your menu by slicing and pan-frying one until golden to make wedges, or crush with sour cream for rough mash.
2. Bulk up your favourite sauce
I love a good tomato sauce. The key is good canned tomatoes, they form the base of my tomato soups, Bolognese sauce and vegetable or pasta bakes. Make a big pot and freeze it in portions. Take one out to defrost in the morning and you’re halfway to a home-made dinner by the time you get home.
3. Eat more seafood
Seafood is always a great option, it never takes long to cook and is generally sold in single portions. Fantastic! Browse our seafood recipe guide for inspiration.
4. Try new things
I eat way more vegetarian dishes when I cook for one, and I also like to cook a batch of pork sausages (try this pork-sausage-and-potato bake recipe) or Woolworths sticky chicken kebabs to eat with a bowl of Woolworths soup instead of toast. I add any leftovers to my lunchbox the next day.
5. Time is of the essence
Stick to quick-and-easy dishes, if they take too long to prepare and cook you’ll be bored with the dish before you’ve even had a chance to sit down at the table and eat it!

Dinner for one recipe ideas

1. Salmon vs squid
These two recipes are a go-to in my kitchen, they are perfect for one and full of flavour and goodness! Serve with pasta or quinoa if you want to bulk it up. Try sesame-crusted seared salmon with crushed minted peas and beetroot Or lemony squid with baby leaves and bruschetta.

2. Baked tuna tarts
These tuna tarts are super easy and budget friendly. They’re delicious straight out of the oven and great the next day for lunch. View the recipe here.

3. Chicken wings and salad
Chicken wings are a huge weakness for me. I love them because you can just toss them in a delicious marinade and into the oven. It’s no fuss at all and I can get on with other things like making a salad while they’re cooking. View the recipe here.

4. Bacon and chickpea butternut soup
I love making this soup because it’s a tasty twist on an old favourite. Pan fry 6 rashers of chopped streaky bacon in 2 T olive oil until crisp, then add 1 x 400 g can drained chickpeas, ½ t paprika, 2 cloves chopped garlic and ½ t chilli flakes, toss and remove from the pan. Pour Woolworths butternut soup into the same pan and heat to take on all of the flavours. Stir through the bacon and chickpeas and garnish with fresh coriander. Browse more soup recipes here.

5. Roast garlic mushrooms
These are another firm favourite. Top large brown mushrooms with butter, sliced garlic, thyme and season to taste. Roast until softe and fragrant. Serve with soft Parmesan polenta or a rocket, charred baby marrow and steak salad. Try these stuffed gorgonzola and garlic brown mushrooms.

Hannah Lewry

Article by Hannah Lewry

Woolworths TASTE’s Food Editor is passionate about conjuring up fresh ideas for fast and easy dishes that taste as great as they look. Turn to her expertise for everything from time-saving mid-week food to lazy weekend meals. You’ll have a lot of fun in the kitchen while you’re about it.
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