Cape Malay Chaat Masala

Based on Indian chat masala spice mix, this is a Cape Malay version that is used to sprinkle over already cooked food to add flavour and a 'lift'. 

3 T cumin seeds

1 T coriander seeds

1 T fennel seeds

1 t black peppercorns

3 dried chillies

1/2 t cloves

3 T mango powder

2 T black salt

1 t ajwain seeds

1/4 t nutmeg

1 t ground ginger

1 T dried mint

Place the cumin, coriander, fennel, peppercorns, chillies and cloves in a dry frying pan and toast slightly. Add all the remaining ingredients to a grinder and grind until fine.

Store in an airtight container until needed.

Use sprinkled over fruit or fruit salad, popcorn, curries, to season chickpeas that have been heated in coconut milk, chopped coriander and roasted butternut pieces or with roasted cauliflower and beetroot.

The black salt (which is pink in colour) is available from Indian spice shops and so are the ajwain seeds and the mango powder. The black salt has quite a smoky, somewhat pungent flavour.

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