Have you heard of breakfast pudding?

By Today With Woolies, 8 April 2017

We introduce the breakfast smoothie bowl…you’re welcome.


In need of some snack inspiration? These smoothie bowls tick all the boxes: tasty, pretty, packed with good stuff…and ready in minutes. (And they double as breakfast. Or dessert.) The key ingredient is Woolies’ yoghurt… if you’re not already a fan, you will be soon. Thick, creamy and mild, it contains live bifidobacterium cultures, which contribute to a balanced digestive system, and is made without any added preservatives. Oh, and it now contains reduced sugar (and the fruit varieties contain 16% more fruit). It’s the plain yoghurt that’s the real hero of these bowls – simply add whatever tickles your taste buds, from fresh fruit and nuts to golden spices and seeds. These two ways – supergreen and turmeric – are our current faves.

Want more yoghurt recipes? Here you go.

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Today With Woolies

Article by Today With Woolies

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