How to master veg on the braai

By TASTE, 3 October 2016

Everything tastes better on the braai. And it’s easier than you think and seriously impressive.

Fat is your friend

A coating of oil ensures even colour and rounds out flavour (watch out for flare-ups).

Think Big

Unless they're on skewers, keep vegetables whole or cut them into thick slices, and you won't lose them through the grid. They'll end up nicely charred without being overcooked. Alternatively, wrap whole root veg or brinjals in tinfoil and place them in the coals.

Keep them moving

Continue turning veg on the grid so that they cook evenly and turn brown all over (this means paying attention, not going in search of another beer).

Add a little smoke to your salad

To quick char adds delicious smokiness to whole heads of cos, endives and little gems, which have been cut in half and grilled cut-side down. Remove any limp outer leaves and make sure the fire is hot (you just want a quick sear for colour and smoky flavour). Brush the cut sides with oil, season and grill for 30 seconds per side.

Discover more summer vegetable recipes here.


Article by TASTE

The TASTE team is a happy bunch of keen cooks and writers, always on the look out for the next food trend or the next piece of cake.
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