Wine spritzers are back, in a big way. We don’t know the reason for this but we’re not complaining because when well-made, they’re delicious and super refreshing. Here’s everything you need to about how to get your spritz on.

What is a wine spritzer exactly?

A spritzer (also sometimes known as a wine cooler) is simply a combination of wine and soda or sparkling water, with ice if you like. It’s a great way to give the wine a lift and a bit of fizz – it also makes for a drink that’s lower in both alcohol and calories (yay!).

What is the one thing NOT to do with a spritz?

The only big rule with the wine spritzer is that you don’t want to go adding too much sparkling water, thereby diluting your wine and be left with a watered-down brew. Rule of thumb: three parts wine to one part fizz.

Can I use red wine?

Most definitely (hello sangria)! In general, people use lighter wines for spritzers, like whites or rosé, also because these wines are best served cold and a spritzer is supposed to be a refreshing drink. However a light red can definitely be ‘spritzed’, and should bring some interesting flavours (like red fruit, a hint of smoke, or spice) to the party.

Can I add something sweet, like fruit juice or cordials?

For sure! But don’t be tempted to go over the top. The whole point of the spritz is for it to be a light, effervescent drink. We don’t want cloying. Go for a splash at most of something like elderflower syrup, or perhaps a dash of rose water. You could even add some chilled fruit tea; fruit-flavoured sparkling water would work equally well.

What about garnish?

Ooooh, here your options are wide open. Freshly sliced summer fruit, berries, cucumber ribbons, edible flowers, citrus wedges, fresh green herbs like mint, lemon thyme or even rosemary (for those red wine spritzers) – just not all in the same glass, obviously.

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  • default
    Tammy Chidrawi
    28 November 2020

    What white wine or rose wine would you suggest if you want to add some edibles or some rose water?