This week Clement Pedro goes back to basics with one of our favourite breakfasts, the perfect French omelette.

As long as I have eggs in the house, I feel that I have the culinary world at my fingertips. I can’t explain how much I love those protein-packed parcels of goodness. They’re perfect for breakfast, brunch, lunch and dinner – spicy egg-fried rice anyone?

But what I love the most about them is how simple they are. Boiled for 7 minutes and seasoned lightly with salt and freshly ground white pepper, they become an amuse-bouche of flavour, texture and warmth.

But how about frying them in butter and oil just until the edges of the white begins to crisp, but the yolk is still perfectly runny? Served on buttered toast, that sounds like a familiar dinner to me. Or poached eggs? They’re a bit trickier, but follow these steps on how to poach an egg and it will quickly become your go-to treat

What I admire the most about these treasures is the respect they command and fear they strike even into the hearts of the most well-seasoned chefs. Especially when they’re making an omelette.

Classic French omelette recipe

free-range eggs 3
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
unsalted butter 1 T

1 Scramble the eggs and season. Heat the butter in a pan over a medium heat, until just melted.
2 Add the eggs and allow them to set slightly before gently pulling the outside towards the centre using a spatula, allowing the space to be filled with more runny egg.
3 Once most of the egg has set, tilt the pan away from yourself and shake gently, moving the omelette to the edge of the pan. Carefully tilt the pan towards yourself and gently bump the handle so that the omelette folds over.
4 Fold over the other half of the omelette using a spatula to create a log-shaped omelette. This classic French version should not be brown or caramelised.

You can add cheese or vegetables if you like, but take care not to overfill it – the egg should still be the star.

Find more great omelette recipes here

Click here for more egg tips and tricks

Click here for our egg recipe guide

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