ICYMI: Butternut is in season

By TASTE, 20 June 2017

We’re buying, eating and cooking with butternut right now and you should be, too. This is your in-season guide to this sweet and creamy veg.

It is understood that butternut is a good source of fibre, vitamins A, C and E, manganese, magnesium and potassium. It is naturally low in sodium (salt), fat and contains very few calories and a fair amount of antioxidants.

Did you know that butternut is technically a fruit (and grows on a vine) but is treated as a vegetable. And… did you know that as the fruit gets ripe, its colour becomes a deeper orange, which indicates that the flesh inside has become sweeter and richer, too.

When buying butternut, keep this in mind:
Look for a butternut with a fatter neck and smaller bulb, you’ll find fewer seeds in this kind and more usable buttery flesh. Choose one that feels heavy for its size and always choose one with a hard skin without bruises or mould.

How should you store butternut?
Whole butternut does not have to refrigerated, store it in a cool, dry place and it will keep for up to three weeks. However, butternut that has been cut and peeled should definitely be refrigerated. Keep it in a sealed container in the fridge where it will keep for five days.


Roast it whole and stuff it

Halve 1 butternut and remove the seeds. Rub with 1 T olive oil and sea salt, then bake for 40 minutes at 180°C. Stuff with a mixture of baby spinach, couscous and a Woolies’ tomato-and-basil pasta sauce. Get the recipe here.

Make a vegetarian bobotie

Try this fresh spin on bobotie with the same curried, sweet, tangy, eggy flavours we know and love. Find the recipe here.

Mash it

A winter classic. Roast 400 g butternut cubes with 3 cloves garlic and 1 t thyme in 2 T olive oil at 180°C for 30–40 minutes. Blend the butternut and herbs with 120 g crème fraîche, season and serve hot with roasted pumpkin seeds. Perfect everytime. View the recipe here.

Make muffins

Love everything savoury? This is the muffin recipe for you. If you like a little lemony tang, these muffins pair perfectly with runny, lemony icing. Mix 100 g sifted icing sugar with a squeeze of lemon juice (or to taste). Serve drizzled over muffins. Find the recipe here.

Bake a cake

Yes, bake a gingery butternut cake and drizzle with coconut-butterscotch drizzle. Get the recipe here.

What is your favourite way to use butternut? Tell us in the comments below.

Discover more sweet and savoury ways with butternut here.


Article by TASTE

The TASTE team is a happy bunch of keen cooks and writers, always on the look out for the next food trend or the next piece of cake.
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