It’s all about tomatoes

By TASTE, 28 March 2017

Tips and tricks for summer’s most prized ingredient.

You say… your tomato sauce always tastes too acidic.

We say cook it for longer – this intensifies the flavour, resulting in less acid and more umami. If you really must, add a smidgen of sugar, cinnamon or bicarbonate of soda to balance the acidity.

You say… you have a load of overripe tomatoes.

We say don’t waste them, even if they’ve started to spilt. Blitz in a food processor and freeze until you’re ready to make a soup or sauce.

You say… seeding them is a hassle.

We say not if you cut them in half and scoop out the seeds using a teaspoon.

You say… you always have to store tomatoes in the fridge?

We say you’re missing out. Store them at room temperature to make the most of their flavour.

You say… blanching tomatoes is such hard work?

We say no way if you just cut a cross into the bottom of each one, plunge them into boiling water for three minutes, and then into cold water. The skin will come away easily. Promise.

Discover recipes featuring tomatoes here.


Article by TASTE

The TASTE team is a happy bunch of keen cooks and writers, always on the look out for the next food trend or the next piece of cake.
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