July’s top 10 (comforting) recipes

By TASTE, 5 August 2015

You clicked, you cooked and we’ve rounded them up – here are your top ten favourite recipes from July.


Chilly weather and warm treats are synonymous – no wonder this easy flapjack recipe by TASTE reader Stephanie Abrahams made the cut.

Traditional malva pudding

A classic South African pud, few things beat traditional malva with its devilishly delicious, sweet sauce. If you're not in the mood to bake, buy it ready-made from Woolworths (there's even a gluten-free variation available).

Buttermilk rusks

It’s dunking weather – and these easy buttermilk rusks are sure to go down a treat with your choice of hot drink.

Cauliflower soup with blue cheese and toasted almonds

This flavourful soup by Hannah Lewry features a winning combo: cauliflower, blue cheese and toasted almonds. Plus, it’s super easy to make!

Gran’s classic custard cookies

Butter, icing, flour and custard powder – the only four ingredients you’ll need to make these classic cookies.

Traditional samp and beans

This recipe stars black-eyed peas and samp, which makes a hearty meal that tastes just like home.

Buttermilk fudge with bacon and pecans

Bizarre as it sounds, bacon and fudge is a match made in heaven. Try this treat for a taste adventure.

Dombolo (dumplings)

These traditional African dumplings are the ultimate comfort against winter’s wrath.

Stiff pap

Celebrity chef Siba Mtongana’s recipe for foolproof pap; best accompanied by wors or vleis.

Slow-roasted brisket

In keeping with comforting recipes, this glorious dish of slow-roasted brisket and barley was another belly-warming favourite during the month of July.

For more indulgent winter eats and treats, try these comforting risotto recipes and warm puddings.


Article by TASTE

The TASTE team is a happy bunch of keen cooks and writers, always on the look out for the next food trend or the next piece of cake.
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