Keep it cool with this Amarula ice cream cake

By TASTE, 14 October 2019

Combine the creaminess of Amarula with a Peppermint Crisp tart to create this cool ice cream cake. Perfect for your next summer braai.


Amarula & Peppermint Crisp Ice Cream Cake

Serves 8


1 x 200 g packet Tennis biscuits
6 T very soft butter
2 litres good-quality dairy vanilla ice cream
2 x 150 g slabs Peppermint Crisp, chilled
1 C whipping cream
¾ C Amarula, plus extra for topping

1. Prepare the tin by lining the base of a non-stick 24-cm springform cake pan with clingfilm. Make the crust, by grinding the biscuits to coarse crumbs in a food processor (or put them in a plastic bag and crush them finely with a rolling pin). Place in a bowl and mix in the soft butter. Using your fingertips, press the mixture evenly onto the base of the cake tin, and place in the freezer while you make the filling.
2. Remove the ice cream from the freezer and allow to soften slightly.
3. Reserve one half of a slab of Peppermint Crisp and set aside for decorating. Crush the remaining slabs into coarse pieces by placing them in a plastic bag and crushing with a rolling pin. Set aside.
4. In a large bowl, whisk the cream to a soft peak. Gently stir in the Amarula and crushed Peppermint Crisp.
5. Add the softened ice cream, and fold together, working quickly to combine everything. Pour the mixture over the crumb base, smooth the top with a spatula, cover with clingfilm and freeze for 8 hours, or overnight.
6. When ready to serve, place a serving platter in the freezer to chill. Remove the cake tin from the freezer and press a hot, wet cloth all the way round the edges of the ring (see tips below) until the cake comes away from the sides and you're able to remove the ring. Slip a metal spatula or palette knife between the biscuit base and the clingfilm, turning the cake gently while moving the spatula up and down to free the crust.
Slide the cake onto the cold platter, leaving the metal base and clingfilm behind.

To serve: Drizzle the cake with extra Amarula. Crush the reserved Peppermint Crisp into shards and pile the pieces in the centre of the cake and serve.

To heat a cloth for loosening the edges of the cake, dampen it with water and place in the microwave until hot. Keep reheating it until the cake ring loosens.

Cut the cake using a knife dipped in hot water to slice the cake.

Discover more about Amarula here


Article by TASTE

The TASTE team is a happy bunch of keen cooks and writers, always on the look out for the next food trend or the next piece of cake.
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