5 load shedding pantry staples

By TASTE, 30 June 2022

Keep your pantry stocked with these versatile basic ingredients and you’ll be ready to whip up something tasty at a moment’s notice.

Once you've stocked up on these load shedding pantry staples, browse our load shedding recipes for recipes that are designed to make your life easier in many ways.

1. Rice

Boil it in large batches. Divide into portions to store in the fridge or freezer. Use as a base for fried-rice dishes that can be cooked in minutes.

Try: loadshedding rice.

2. Canned fish

salmon toastie recipe
Toss canned tuna with prepared pasta and a little vinaigrette. Add halved cherry tomatoes, baby spinach and crumbled feta.

Smoke and peppered mackerel fillets are a treat combined with cream cheese, a handful of parsley and a squeeze of lemon juice (do this in a blender or finely chop by hand). Serve with plain Melba toast.

Serve sardines on Woolworths rye flatbread and top with thinly sliced cucumbers tossed in white wine vinegar, a little sugar and freshly chopped dill.

Try:  3 delicious canned fish toast recipes

3. Canned lentils, red kidney beans and borlotti beans

Load shedding pantry staples

These can be used as alternatives in a number of recipes. Add to pre-cooked roast veg with an easy homemade dressing and you've got a hearty instant meal.

Alternatively, toss the drained beans or lentils with 4T freshly chopped parsley, 4T extra virgin olive oil, 1T Dijon mustard, 100g crumbled feta and a splash of white wine vinegar. Season to taste.

Try: Lentil, grilled brinjal and butternut salad with tahini dressing.

4. Pasta and canned tomatoes

Load shedding pantry staples
Toss precooked penne with whole Italian cherry tomatoes, 3 finely grated garlic cloves, 100g pitted and roughly chopped olives, a handful of fresh basil, 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil and a drizzle of sherry vinegar. Add a pinch of chilli flakes, season with salt and freshly ground black pepper and toss.

Try: tagliatelle with smoky tomato sauce, olives and capers

5. Tomato juice and tomato passata

Make our own cold soup by placing roughly chopped cucumber, tomatoes, baby spinach and red onion in a bowl with a little sherry vinegar, salt and freshly ground black pepper. Add some tomato juice or tomato passata and you'll have a rough, chunky soup on demand.

ALSO READ: 6 tips for rescuing your dinner during a power cut.


Article by TASTE

The TASTE team is a happy bunch of keen cooks and writers, always on the look out for the next food trend or the next piece of cake.
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