Make this homemade gnocchi recipe now

By Today With Woolies, 13 March 2017

Making your own gnocchi is easier than you think – and deeply satisfying. This version with sage butter and chilli is comfort food at its best… and a firm family favourite.


1. Start by preheating the oven to 180 C. Place 800 g unpeeled potatoes on a baking tray and roast for 45 minutes, or until tender. Cut each potato in half and scoop the flesh into a bowl. For a silky-smooth consistency, put the potato flesh through a potato ricer twice. Add 1 free-range egg, 300 g cake flour and 1 t freshly ground nutmeg. Season to taste and mix gently. The mixture should be soft.
2. Gently dust a clean surface and your hands with flour. Take a handful of potato and gently roll into a log – use just enough flour. The log should be about 2cm thick. Using a sharp knife, cut off pieces about 2cm in length – don’t let them touch each other – and keep going until you’ve used up all the mixture.
3. Bring a large pot of salted water to the boil and cook 10 gnocchi pieces at a time. Remove using a slotted spoon when they rise to the surface.
4. To make the sage butter, melt 125 g butter with 8 sage leaves in a pan. Add 3 crushed garlic cloves and cook until the butter goes golden brown. Squeeze in the juice of 1 lemon and add 1 chopped red chilli (if you like a bit of heat). Season to taste with salt and freshly ground black pepper.
5. To serve, place the gnocchi on a platter and spoon over the sage butter. Scatter with Parmesan.

Did you know this week is National Water one Woolies vegetable farmer explain how his team tackles water conservation and water recycling on their Clanwilliam farm. Through its Farming for the Future programme, Woolworths farms with tomorrow in mind – using water, fertiliser and pesticides responsibly.

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