Make these 4 feel-good recipes now

By Today With Woolies, 17 January 2017

These suggestions will help you feast guilt-free without sacrificing flavour.


New-Year green salad

Green salad

Drizzle 2 T olive oil and ½ juiced lemon into a salad bowl, stir in 1 t Dijon mustard and season to taste. Add 40 g rocket and toss. Top with 2 ripe, halved and peeled avos, 2 sliced red chillies, 50 g chopped almonds, 80 g sugar snap peas and 80 g blanched peas. Garnish with microherbs. Add a touch more olive oil and check the seasoning.

Get up-and-go green smoothie


For a bursting-with-goodness smoothie that serves four, blend the following (adding more nut butter or lime juice as needed): 1 ripe banana, 2 peeled and halved kiwi fruit, ½ cup plain yoghurt, 1 ripe, peeled avo, 2 stoned dates, 1 T nut butter, 100 g baby spinach, a squeeze of lime juice. (Halve the ingredients if you’re making a smoothie for one – with seconds!) Or, save yourself the work and make Woolies’ Easy to Juice range your new best friend.

The best chopped salad


For a rainbow salad, toss together 3 sliced purple spring onions, 1 x 400 g can of lentils (drained), 50 g halved blueberries, 80 g chopped strawberries, 10 g basil, 100 g torn chevin, 170 g blanched and chopped asparagus, 2 t chopped parsley, ½ finely chopped garlic clove, olive oil and balsamic vinegar for dressing, a pinch of sea salt and freshly ground black pepper.

Watermelon salsa


This deliciously refreshing salsa is perfect with seared salmon. Combine 2 cups cubed watermelon, 1 x 3 cm piece peeled and sliced ginger, 1 sliced red chilli, 1 t chopped coriander, 1 T rice wine vinegar, 2 segmented limes, 2 T lime juice and 2 t sesame oil. Set aside to infuse before serving.

Fill your fridge with Woolies’ freshest fruit and veg and earn Discovery Vitality points for making better choices.

Today With Woolies

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