A modern twist on an Easter classic

By Today With Woolies, 6 April 2017

Try this take on the holiday favourite: home-made steamed buns with pickled cucumber and pickled fish.


1. Mix 2 x 7 g sachets dried yeast with just under 2 cups of warm water until it begins to foam or bubble. Mix the water with 1 kg bread flour, 1 t baking powder, 3 t bicarbonate of soda, 2 T sea salt and 120 g melted butter to make a dough. Place the dough in an oiled bowl, cover with clingwrap and set aside in a warm place until doubled in size.
2. Knock the dough down on a floured surface and divide in half. Shape into 40 balls, sprinkle each with sesame seeds. Place on a baking tray lined with baking paper and allow to prove for a further 45 minutes.
3. Steam the buns in batches in a steamer lined with baking paper over a wok of gently simmering water for 10–12 minutes. Tear one open to make sure they are cooked in the middle and use that as the tester for the rest of the batch.
4. To make the pickled cucumber, heat 3 T white wine vinegar, the juice of lemon, 2 T caster sugar, salt and pepper to taste and 4 T water until boiling. Allow to cool. Pour over 1 thinly sliced cucumber and set aside for 30 minutes to pickle.
5. Slice the steamed buns in half from the top, stuff with pickled fish, top with the pickled cucumber, chopped chilli, fresh mint and bean sprouts. Makes 12.

Woolies’ pickled yellowtail and hake are immersed in a moreish, mild curry sauce flavoured with spices, onions and bay leaves. Stock up – it’s a tradition, after all! And while you’re at it, get some of your other favourite Easter eats, like hot cross buns and leg of lamb, now on promotion.

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Article by Today With Woolies

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