The office-friendly fish dish

By Today With Woolies, 11 October 2016

A summer salad that will have your colleagues talking, for the right reasons!


Eating – or heating – fish in the office is a notoriously unpopular move at work. Not anymore. Hot-smoked or poached trout is ready to eat. Try the sweet chilli and lime trout, which has been hot smoked over oak, or the lemon and pepper fillet, which has been poached in lemon-infused water to enhance its subtle flavours and delicate textures. As convenient as it is delicious, serve it as a light summer salad (see our desk-lunch recipe inspiration below), or with roast veg or mash as an easy mid-week dinner.

Thai papaya-and-trout summer salad

Slice 125 g mini cucumbers and 1 baby cabbage very thinly and toss with 1 chopped red chilli, 1 T honey, 3 T sesame oil, 2 T lime juice and a pinch of salt. Top with half a slice papaya and add 200 g Woolworths poached trout (hot or cold). For best results, slice and add the papaya just before serving.

Shop the ready-to-eat range and all other office-lunch ingredients here.

Look out for the “Fishing for the Future” logo on the pack, which means you’re buying responsibly sourced fish. Shop for responsibly sourced fish here.

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