Our best potato salad recipes

By Jess Spiro, 3 September 2020

When it comes to a braai side, potato salad is a non-negotiable. But like every good nostalgic recipe, there’s more than one way to make a mean potato salad. We’ve rounded up our favourite classic, and not-so-classic, potato salad recipes.

Condensed-milk potato salad

Afrikaans people will know that condensed milk in potato salad adds a delicate sweetness and balance to an overall tangy dish. Don’t knock it till you try it!

Get the recipe for condensed milk potato salad here.

Potato salad with herbed chilli dressing

Potato salad without mayo? Shocking, we know, but hear us out. A mix of potatoes plus a herby dressing turns what is normally a heavy side into something refreshing. One bonus is that the longer this sits, the better the flavour is.
potato salad with herbed chilli dressing
Get the recipe for potato salad with herbed chilli dressing here.

Coconut-and-coriander three-potato salad

Another mayo-free option, this dressing is punchy and creamy but won’t leave you feeling stuffed. It also makes for a great sauce for grilled chicken, meaning you won’t have to double up on a marinade.

Get the recipe for coconut-and-coriander three potato salad here.

Sweet-potato salad with braaied garlic and salsa verde

The salsa verde is the real drawcard here, so make double of it to pour it over everything from grilled meat and fish, to soups and avo toast.
Sweet-potato salad with braaied garlic and salsa verde recipe
Get the recipe for sweet-potato salad with braaied garlic and salsa verde here.

Smashed roast potato salad

If you like a bit more texture in your potato salad, this recipe is for you. Don’t skimp on the horseradish dressing either – it takes everything to a whole new level.

Get the recipe for smashed roast potato salad here.

Jess Spiro

Article by Jess Spiro

Jess Spiro is a freelance food writer, chef and restaurant critic based in Cape Town, who can often be found in search of the next great plate of food. Follow her on Instagram @jess_spiro to see what she's eating.
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