Desserts & Baking

Almond “croissant” babka 

Makes 1 loaf
1 hour 30 minutes 
45 minutes   

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  • For the dough:
  • 180 ml full-cream milk
  • 2¼ t instant yeast 
  • 4 large free-range eggs, at room temperature 
  • 85g honey 
  • 2 salt 
  • 568 g flour 
  • 142 g butter, cut into 2.5 cm pieces, at room temperature 
  • For the frangipane filling: 
  • 125 g unsalted butter, at room temperature 
  • 125 g sugar  
  • 2 large free-range eggs, at room temperature 
  • 165 g almond flour  
  • 35 g flour  
  • a pinch salt 
  • To assemble: 
  • 1 free-range egg, beaten
  • 50 g flaked almonds 
  • icing sugar, for dusting 

1. Grease a large bowl.

2. In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, combine the milk and yeast at a low speed, then let allow to stand until the yeast has dissolved, about 5 minutes. Add the eggs, honey and salt and mix until well combined.

3. Change to the dough hook attachment and add the flour, mixing at a low speed until incorporated, 1–2 minutes. Add the butter, one piece at a time. When all the butter has been added, increase the speed to medium and beat the butter into the dough until well incorporated.

3. Transfer the dough to the greased bowl and cover with plastic wrap. Allow the dough to prove until doubled in size. Tip: you’ll know the dough has proved when it bounces back when you gently press it with your finger.

4. While the dough proves, beat together all the frangipane ingredients until well combined and smooth.

5. Roll out dough to roughly 23 x 50 cm. Spread the frangipane filling onto the dough.

6. Slice the dough in half lengthways and roll up each half tightly from the outer edge.

7. Twist the two rolled dough halves and place in a greased and lined 13 x 30 cm loaf tin. Brush the top with beaten egg. Set aside to prove again until doubled in size.

8. Brush with the beaten egg and sprinkle with the flaked almonds. Bake for 40–45 minutes at 180ºC, or until cooked through. Cover with foil if the top starts to brown before the loaf is baked.

9. Remove from the oven and allow to cool. Dust with icing sugar before slicing and serving.

Find more bread recipes here.

Lesego Madisa

Recipe by: Lesego Madisa

TASTE's commercial content producer loves thrifty recipes, fridge foraging and never says "no" to cake. When she's not flipping through the pages of food mags and cookbooks, she's happily baking and knitting in her tiny apartment.

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