Butternut-and-pancetta lasagne

- 500 g Woolworths ready-to-cook diced butternut
- 2 cups chicken or vegetable stock
- 2 cloves garlic, crushed
- sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
- 1 x 250 g box Woolworths egg lasagne sheets
- 100 g Woolworths sliced Italian smoked pancetta
- 100 g Parmesan, grated
- 1 cup cream
- 2–3 t butter, for serving
- 10 g sage leaves, for serving
Simmer the butternut, covered, with the stock, garlic and seasoning for 20 minutes, or until very tender. Drain, reserving the stock.
Preheat the oven to 180°C. Roughly mash the butternut. Place a sheet of pasta in an oiled, deep baking dish, slightly larger than the lasagne sheets. Alternatively, use a small loaf pan. Spread the pasta sheet with mashed butternut, add a slice of pancetta and some grated Parmesan. Spoon over some of the reserved stock and cream. Make sure that the pasta is well moistened during cooking.
Cover with another pasta sheet and repeat, ending with a pasta sheet. Sprinkle over the remaining Parmesan. Pour over the remaining stock and cream. Cover with a sheet of baking paper, then seal with a sheet of foil.
Bake for 30 minutes or until the pasta is cooked, hot and bubbly. Uncover and turn on the grill to brown. Allow to stand for 5–10 minutes before serving. 5 Fry the sage leaves in the butter until the butter becomes nut brown and the sage is crisp. Sprinkle over the lasagne to serve.
Cook's note: It’s not a bad idea to make this a little ahead of time, which will allow the pasta sheets to soften nicely.