Starters & Light meals

Crispy spinach sandwich


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  • 4 large washed spinach leaves, stalks removed
  • Thin celery shavings
  • Cucumber ribbons
  • Courgette ribbons
  • 1 fennel bulb, thinly sliced
  • Rocket, washed
  • Ayrshire fat-free chunky cottage cheese
  • 4 slices of smoked salmon trout
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Olive oil
  • Freshly squeezed lemon juice

Place spinach leaves down, and layer with celery, cucumber, courgette, fennel, rocket, cheese, salmon and sprouts and pumpkin seeds.
Drizzle with olive oil and lemon juice. Place the remaining spinach leaves on top. Press down lightly and slice in two. Serve 1 or 2 sandwiches per person.

Maranda Engelbrecht

Recipe by: Maranda Engelbrecht

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