- 1 x 300 g Woolworth’s vanilla butter cookie mix
- 180 g softened, unsalted butter
Gather and ready your ingredients.
Gather and ready your cookie cutters, hard-boiled sweets in different colours (sparkles work really well) ribbon to thread the decorations to hang onto the tree and silver balls to decorate biscuits.
Prepare biscuits to package instructions. Cream the butter with the sachet of caster sugar in the box, before adding the dry cookie mixture and folding in gently to make a soft dough. Chill for 30 minutes.
Remove dough from fridge and roll out to 1-2 cm thickness onto a silpad. Using your desired cookie cutters cut out shapes. Then cut out spaces in the centre of each cookie to either thread the ribbon through or to crush the hard boiled sweets into.
If you are making candy coloured glass centered cookies be sure to make another hole to thread the ribbon through to hang once baked.
Bake for 13 – 14 minutes in a preheated oven at 180C° until golden brown in colour and the candy has melted. Carefully remove from oven and leave to cool completely.
Decorate the other biscuits by icing on silver balls and then thread ribbon through your decorations before dusting with icing sugar and carefully fastening onto to the tree.