Spatchcock a chicken in three easy steps

By Today With Woolies, 22 October 2016

Use this simple technique for tastier, quicker-cooking chicken. You’ll never braai chicken the same way again.


Also called “butterflying”, spatchcocking involves splitting and opening the chicken before grilling it so the whole surface of the bird can caramelise more and cook faster – it also makes it easier to cut into portions. Here’s how:

  • Place the chicken on a chopping board, breast side down, with the legs facing you.
  • Using a good pair of kitchen scissors, cut along each side of the parson’s nose and up the backbone, slicing through the ribs. This shouldn’t require too much pressure.
  • Flip over and flatten out both sides to open the chicken up. Gently press down on the breastbone and flatten completely.

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