The perfect egg mayonnaise

By Abigail Donnelly, 21 April 2015

Egg mayo reminds Abigail Donnelly of dainty finger sandwiches served at afternoon tea at hotels or when she hung around at her Gran’s house on bridge days and ate the leftovers. Here’s her recipe for the perfect egg mayonnaise.

I often make egg mayonnaise sandwiches, the kids always ask for them for their birthday parties. The best way to make them is to grate the hard-boiled eggs before mixing them with mayo. Obviously home-made mayo is the best, but I don’t mind using Hellmans as it’s deliciously thick and creamy. I add either chopped chives or finely chopped parsley, a dollop of Dijon mustard and some seasoning. I prefer white pepper, as it goes really nicely with eggs. You can also add minced red onion or spring onion, a bit of curry powder or a dash of white wine vinegar to the mayo mixture. It shouldn’t be too runny, or too firm and dry.

Always butter fresh slices of bread and definitely cut off the crusts. Depending on how I feel, I sometimes add a bit of watercress to the sandwich or scatter some over the plate of sarmies to keep them fresh and pretty. If you want to make them ahead of time, keep them in the fridge covered with a clean damp tea towel. The egg mayo mixture is also great stuffed into a hot toasted pita bread with some crispy bacon, or in a wrap with smoked salmon, sliced into sushi-like rolls.

P.S. Always use free-range eggs!

Abigail Donnelly

Article by Abigail Donnelly

Nothing excites Woolworths TASTE's Food Director quite as much as the challenge of dreaming up recipes with innovative new foods – or the thrill of creating deliciousness on a plate with the humblest of ingredients. With Abi by your side, you’ll be a cooking expert in no time at all.
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