The ultimate potato recipe round-up (as voted for, by you!)

By Jess Spiro, 5 April 2021

You’ve got strong opinions about the best way to cook potatoes. We know this because we recently ran two potato-themed polls on Instagram stories and the results were surprising. Here are our best potato recipes, according to TASTE readers.

Duck-fat roast potatoes

The undisputed potato champion was not just roast potatoes, but duck-fat roast potatoes. In our food fight that pitted regular roasties against the duck-fat variety, duck fat came out on top with a 59% win.
Duck-fat-roast-potatoesGet the recipe for duck-fat roasted potatoes here.

Potato salad

No surprises here, but when we asked about whether potato should include mayo or not, there was a resounding vote for mayo – almost 85%. This recipe sticks to the classics, complete with mayo and boiled eggs.
potato-saladGet the recipe for potato salad here.

Abi’s ultimate potato bake

Rather unfairly, we’ll admit, we put potato bake up against mash and 60% of you voted for potato bake. One look at Abi’s recipe and it’s easy to see why.
Get the recipe for Abi's ultimate potato bake here.


Aligot (cheesy mashed potato)

Although mash didn’t beat potato bake, it still popped up when we asked what your favourite potato recipe is on our stories a few weeks ago. For this reason, we’re including this insanely cheesy version here.
Aligot (cheesy mash potato> recipeGet the recipe for aligot here.

Salt-and-vinegar chips

Many of you listed chips as your favourite way to eat potatoes, and 58% of you picked proper slap chips over skinny French fries.
Get the recipe for salt-and-vinegar chips here.

Oak-smoked Norwegian salmon with home-made röstis and celery salad

In the battle of the breakfasts, potato röstis beat latkes almost entirely, with 72% of votes.
Oak-smoked Norwegian salmon with home-made rosti and celery saladGet the recipe for oak-smoked Norwegian salmon with home-made röstis and celery salad here.

Potato latkes

Despite losing out to röstis, we’re still including this recipe for latkes in this round-up, out of respect to the 28% of people who voted for them. You matter.
Potato latkesGet the recipe for potato latkes here.

For even more potato inspiration, find our potato recipe collection here.

Jess Spiro

Article by Jess Spiro

Jess Spiro is a freelance food writer, chef and restaurant critic based in Cape Town, who can often be found in search of the next great plate of food. Follow her on Instagram @jess_spiro to see what she's eating.
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