There’s more to mocktails than rock shandies

By Today With Woolies, 16 February 2017

How does watermelon-and-strawberry fizz sound? Read on for more.


The trick to perfecting a non-alcoholic cocktail? Bold flavours, interesting ingredient combinations, textural interest – and yes, it doesn’t hurt if it’s pretty. Plus, go easy on the sugar. As any teetotaller will tell you, one can only drink so many sweet drinks in the course of an evening. A good hack is to always keep a couple of bottles of sugar-free flavoured sparkling water in your fridge for impromptu mocktail-making. Then it’s as simple as adding sliced seasonal fruit, a sprig of fresh herbs such as mint or thyme, and plenty of ice. Need some inspiration to get you started? Think strawberry-and-mint-flavoured sparkling water with a tot of home-made strawberry syrup, fresh mint and ice-cold, crunchy watermelon balls, or a mock Pimms made using ginger-and-lime-flavoured sparkling water with pomegranate rubies, cucumber, apple slices and loads of ice.

Sound good? Stock up your mocktail barsenal with Woolies’ range of sugar-free flavoured sparkling water. Other flavours include coconut and pineapple, and orange and raspberry.

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