The three-course family meal you can whip up for under R150

By Today With Woolies, 19 October 2016

It’s no big deal, really. No wait, it is.



Whether you’re having your best friends over for dinner or want to treat your family to a delicious meal, get yourself to your nearest Woolies, pronto! For R150 you can whip up a meal for four – yes, four – people. Plus, you can mix and match dishes to create a bespoke menu.

For mains, choose between hearty traditional beef lasagne or butterflied chicken breasts, and for sides, pick either a crunchy summer salad, grain-and-lentil salad or garlic-and-herb baby potatoes.

For the sweet finale, there’s creamy, coffee-spiked tiramisu. Because, who doesn’t love tiramisu?

Have fun planning your menu!

To get this eat-in deal for under R150 – valid until 23 October 2016 – visit Woolworths.

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Today With Woolies

Article by Today With Woolies

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