Your top 10 recipes in January

By TASTE, 2 February 2017

If the most-viewed recipes in January are anything to go by, it was a mighty tasty start to the year. Only two salads cracked the top 10. And the rest? They’ll tantalise that sweet tooth, guaranteed.

So, about those resolutions? A classic peppermint crisp tart, a traditional malva pudding and this glorious Rice Krispie cake are just three of the eight decadent recipes that snuck into our top 10 recipes for January. Are you picking up a theme here?

Thankfully, Abi's squeaky Greek salad (the cover recipe on our January/February issue) and this not-quite-a-Caesar salad earned their spots in the top 10 - and add a little balance to the decadence.

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Have you rustled up any of the top 10 recipes? Let us know in the comments below.


Article by TASTE

The TASTE team is a happy bunch of keen cooks and writers, always on the look out for the next food trend or the next piece of cake.
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