Top 10 recipes of 2022

By Lesego Madisa, 3 January 2023

2022 was a fantastic year for food. Dining at home meant more than just pantry staples and canned goods. TASTE readers fell in love with their air fryers, cooked the heartiest and comforting meals in winter, loved hosting braais and didn’t shy away from making sweet treats. Here are the 10 dishes that came out tops in 2022.

10. Beef stew

For the month of May, TASTE deputy food editor, Khanya Mzongwana hosted a 4 week-long budget cooking class in our weekly newsletters (not already a subscriber? Click here to subscribe right now to be the first to get brand new TASTE recipes and competitions). According to Khanya, this is the easiest stew to carry you through the freezing winter months!Beef stew

Get the recipe for beef stew.

9. Vetkoek with mince

These irresistible, fluffy and golden vetkoek were also a part of Khanya's budget-cooking class series. This basic vetkoek recipe is great with jam or cheese but for dinner, bulk up mince with peppers, carrots, beans or lentils to make this meal stretch. Bookmark Khanya's easy-to-follow recipe to make these fried balls whenever the craving hits!Vetkoek with mince Get the recipe for vetkoek with mince. 

8. Avo potato salad

Summer braais will never be the same again, since the arrival of The Lazy Makoti's avo potato salad! This classic braai side has a twist: mashed avo replaces tangy mayo. It also includes pickled pink onions and crispy bacon. Mogau serves hers with crusted lamb, but it'll go down well with any braaied protein of your choice.

potato salad

Get the recipe for avo potato salad here. 

7. Vegetable curry with pap

TASTEtube resident host, Keletso Motau shows you how to make a quintessential South African winter classic: pap and curry. This fragrant and hearty curry is perfect for Meat-free Mondays and if you're a novice at cooking pap, Keletso shares his best tips and tricks to getting it right. Vegetable curry with papGet the recipe for a vegetable curry with pap here.

6. Mini cheesecakes

For Valentine's Day, Mogau's mini cheesecakes made the perfect treat for those you cherish the most. Complete with chocolate-dipped strawberries, these mini cheesecakes were guaranteed to put a smile on your face and spread the love.

Mini cheesecakesGet the recipes for mini cheesecakes here.

5. Braaied paella

Paella on the braai? Yes, it's a thing! If you don't want to fuss with wors, wings and chops, this is the perfect dish to make your guests next time you host a braai.

Braaied paellaGet the recipe for braaied paella here.

4. Butter chicken noodles

We bet Khanya's twist on this classic is going to be your family's new favourite meal. For those who love butter chicken, this is an alternative way to enjoy this golden, creamy and aromatic curry. butter chicken noodlesGet the recipe for butter chicken noodles here. 

3 Air-fryer gammon

Airfryers took over kitchens in 2022. From chicken nuggets to hard-boiled eggs, it seemed there was nothing that the air fryer couldn't cook. Food director Abigail Donnelly took it one step further for her easy Christmas menu, putting the appliance to the ultimate test and making gammon. For those who have been too intimated to make this festive season classic, the air fryer takes the fear away. Air-fryer gammonGet the recipe for air-fryer gammon here. 

2. Lemon drizzle cake 

Do you have unexpected guests coming over? Craving something sweet? Committed to bringing something homemade to the staff party? Mogau's easy lemon drizzle cake recipe is a no-brainer! Whether you're a seasoned baker or tend to stick to easy baking mixes, this is a failsafe recipe that delivers. Lemon-and-yoghurt drizzle cakeGet the recipe for lemon drizzle cake here. 

1. Custard slice

Coming in first place is Abi's custard slice. This nostalgic dessert was an instant favourite among TASTE readers and TASTEtube viewers (and we can't argue with that). Flaky layers of pastry sandwich a silky homemade custard and are decorated with two-tone icing. If you're looking for a dessert that will impress, this is it!

Custard-sliceGet the recipe for custard slice here.

Lesego Madisa

Article by Lesego Madisa

TASTE's commercial content producer loves thrifty recipes, fridge foraging and never says "no" to cake. When she's not flipping through the pages of food mags and cookbooks, she's happily baking and knitting in her tiny apartment.
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