Sponsored: unlock the value of investing as a family with PPS Investments

By TASTE, 9 October 2020

Did you know that you have the potential to increase your savings and future wealth by investing as a family? Enter the PPS Investments Family Network.


In these uncertain days, creating wealth to meet future financial needs has become enormously important. This is especially true in South Africa, where studies show that 28% of middle-aged adults are part of the ‘sandwich generation’ – meaning they are taking care of both their children and their aging parents.

It can be tricky to find the balance between meeting immediate family needs and building financial security. The good news is that there are benefits to investing as a family, and that building family wealth is not exclusive to the wealthy.

This is where PPS Investments come in, and in particular the recently launched PPS Investments Family Network. The goal is simple: to provide you and your family with opportunities to build intergenerational wealth. And how does it work? Also simple: the Family Network enables you to connect your family members’ investments on one platform and potentially benefit from a reduced family administration fee.

This has multiple potential benefits: it gives your aging parents access to lower administration fees (thereby stretching their savings), it provides you as the core investor with lower fees that you can use to boost your savings, and it fosters a family culture of saving for your children when you open and connect an investment for them.

The more you and your family invest in this network, the more everyone benefits. And over the long term, these incremental savings compound and can contribute substantially to your growth potential and investment goals. Why hesitate?

For more information, visit pps.co.za

PPS Investments is a licensed FSP. 


Article by TASTE

The TASTE team is a happy bunch of keen cooks and writers, always on the look out for the next food trend or the next piece of cake.
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