Use your noodle: 5 easy stir fries to make this week

By Melissa Scheepers, 11 September 2017

Get a little stir crazy and serve up a slurpy, satisfying bowl of noodles this week. A two-pot success story has never been easier to achieve.

For a quick weeknight Asian-flavour fix, make sure that you’ve stocked up on these Asian pantry essentials. Any version of noodles can be used (we’re looking at you spaghetti), but for something a little more authentic, try rice, egg, udon or even instant noodles. Simply prepare to package instructions.

3 tips to the perfect stir fry:

  • Do use a piping hot pan, and stir fry ingredients in batches. Start with aromatics such as ginger, onion and garlic, followed by protein.
  • Do cut your veg to similar sizes so that they cook evenly.
  • Don’t forget to deglaze the pan before adding all the ingredients back in. Simply add a splash of soya sauce, stock or rice wine vinegar. This will pick up all the sweet flavours left in the pan and distribute it across your meal.

Go on, get to wok!

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Discover more Asian-inspired recipes here.

Melissa Scheepers

Article by Melissa Scheepers

Woolworths TASTE’s online content producer has faced constant temptation since joining the team last year. When she’s not thinking about her next meal (it’s usually a variation of a cheese toastie), she’s researching the best cooking methods for her next article.
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