3 ways with vetkoek

By TASTE, 19 July 2017

It’s the South African staple we know and love. Vetkoek are best eaten piping hot, overflowing with the filling of your choice. Whether you’re more of a traditionalist or would like to shake things up, one of these tasty little morsels is bound to tickle your fancy.

How do we love our vetkoek? Let us count the ways.

We love them sweet, dripping with apricot jam or chocolate ganache. We like them hot, straight out the fryer and dripping with oil (no judgement). We adore them savoury, oozing with a spicy filling, dripping around our hands.

The traditional


These classic vetkoek are served with a fresh green salad (because: balance), but we fully support stuffing them with the likes of beef mince curry.

Get the classic recipe here.


The cheesy vetkoek


Are these South African? Are they Greek? Does it matter? We highly recommend eating them while hot so that the feta is still meltingly gooey. They're also pretty remarkable dipped into the likes of tomato soup.

Get the recipe here.


The gourmet vekoek


Believe it because it's true: they can be taken to the next level. All you need is cream cheese, green fig preserve and biltong and voila! A modern twist on the a South African classic.

Get the gourmet recipe here.

Discover more South African recipes here.


Article by TASTE

The TASTE team is a happy bunch of keen cooks and writers, always on the look out for the next food trend or the next piece of cake.
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