Watch: 3 ways with Woolies beetroot

By TASTE, 16 April 2018

Need some new ideas with beetroot? How about a beetroot tart, steak with beets or an easy, delicious salad? Woolies’ prepared beetroot means they can be ready in a flash!


In addition to the already popular classic vinaigrette beetroot, it now comes in two delicious new varieties.

The sweet chilli beetroot is infused in a red wine vinegar and chilli extract dressing, and is the perfect partner to roast chicken and soft cheeses.

The horseradish beetroot, pickled in white wine vinegar and a dash of peppery horseradish, takes roast beef, smoked pork and oil fish to a whole new level.

How's that for un-beet-able?

Serving suggestions

Discover more un-beetable beetroot recipes here.

Top your choice of steak with Woolies' horseradish beetroot and a scattering of blue cheese.
Serve fresh bocconcini and the classic beetroot in vinaigrette on a watercress salad topped with toasted walnuts.
Spread a sheet of Woolies' all-butter puff pastry with onion marmalade and bake until golden. Top with the sweet chilli beetroot, ricotta, pistachios and microgreens.

Visit to shop beetroots now.


Article by TASTE

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